New York Produce Show Will Bring ‘Passion’ Back to Manhattan in December 2025

Fresh off one of the most successful expositions in their history, New York Produce Show and Conference organizers said they will carry through the “Where Passion Becomes Action” theme for their 15th Anniversary event, which will take place Dec. 2-4, 2025, in New York City. Nearly 4,000 guests from more than 1,000 companies took part in […]

Cheap veg tops Asda’s list of food trends that will shape the next year

Inexpensive vegetables are expected to become more popular over the next year, according to the newly revealed 2023/24 Food Trends guide released by supermarket Asda. These ‘Everyday Heroes’, led by the surge in interest and demand for potatoes, are one of “seven megatrends” and 120 foods to watch that will shape food and drink development. […]

What place does artificial intelligence have in fresh produce? It’s simply, the future.

For all the excitement about ChatGPT, it requires significant effort for companies to harness the power of artificial intelligence and related technologies, such as machine learning. However, doing so isn’t just advantageous, it’s crucial — because any company that doesn’t keep pace with developments is going to watch as its competitors master it. Walmart is […]

VegPower’s Parker leads spirited session on produce consumption at New York show

More than 40 attendees from consumer media explored ways to promote and drive produce consumption at the Connect with Fresh 2023 Consumer Media and Influencer Lunch during the New York Produce Show, Dec. 6. The 14th annual New York Produce Show and Conference (NYPS) opened Dec. 5. The event had a record audience of more than 5,000 executives […]

British Berry Growers launch policy board in hopes of ‘securing future’ of industry

British Berry Growers, which represent nearly all of the commercial soft fruit growers in the UK, have formed a Campaign and Policy board to advocate for the industry’s pressing needs.  “The value of UK berry production is an estimated £800 million at farm gate and accounts for approximately 33,000 jobs across the country,” Nick Marston, […]

South Africa growers lower citrus estimate for 2023-24 season

South Africa: Citrus industry hopeful for resolution to port crisis as operator takes action

The Citrus Growers Association of South Africa (CGA) is revising its estimate for the 2023-24 season, with plantings “below the forecast growth curve” initially projected.  “This season, Southern African citrus growers packed 165.1 million boxes for delivery to global markets,” CGA says in a release. While this is an increase of approximately 800,000 boxes over […]