Aldi and Lidl putting massive investments behind British vegetable suppliers

Discount retail chains Lidl and Aldi have each bolstered contracts aimed at helping struggling British fresh food suppliers and consumers. Lidl said it is pouring more than £70 million into a three-year deal with suppliers that handle root vegetables, including carrots, parsnips, and swedes. Meanwhile, Aldi said it will be sinking more than £1.4 billion […]

Study: Table grape market in UK expected to grow to more than £1.1 billion

Spanish table grapes: New varieties, markets central to future success

Increasing consumer preference for healthy snacks is one of the trends behind a strong estimated market progression for the UK table grape sector, with a recent report by projecting a value of £1.1 billion by 2028. The sector has experienced a steady CAGR of 3.47% from its 2021 valuation of £870 million. According to […]

Lemon overproduction from key exporting countries has led to ‘critical global situation’

Despite drought, South Africa in line for record citrus crop

During the last two decades, most lemon-producing and exporting countries increased their productive area and production volumes. “The volume increased in Spain, Turkey, and especially in South Africa,” José Carbonell, President of the Argentine Citrus Association FEDERCITRUS, told “This led to a doubling of the hectares planted with lemons in the world in the last […]