As blueberries soar in popularity, Tesco and Hall Hunter vow to expand growing in UK

Demand continues to grow across the UK for sweet and nutrient-packed blueberries, according to new data released by supermarket chain Tesco. The retailer reports it has seen a 27% rise in interest from consumers, and they will buy nearly 57,000 tonnes of the plump fruit this year. Much of those purchases will come from imports, […]
FareShare survey shows 30% of parents are purchasing fewer fruits this year

The Food Foundation estimates that more than 10 million people in the UK don’t get enough food to eat each year. And yet, more than 6 million tonnes of food goes to waste, according to the World Wide Fund for Nature. Gathering and redistributing surplus food, especially fresh fruits and vegetables, is one of the […]
WAPA: Apple production expected to see marked decline in EU while pears rise in 2024-25

Apple production in the EU is expected to decline in the 2024-25 season by a staggering 11.3%, or 10.3 million tonnes among top producing countries, according to new data released by the World Apple and Pear Association (WAPA). That bleak news, punctuated by a 13.6 decrease in production from the previous three years especially from […]
Global Grape Convention Exceeds Expectations With More Than 1,000 Attendees

The initiative, organized by Yentzen Group, the Chilean Fruit Table Grape Committee and the Peruvian Table Grape Producers Association (PROVID), featured an international-level program offering informative talks, specialized market analysis, ideas to identify new opportunities, marketing strategies and discussion panels. On Thursday, August 8, the most anticipated event for the Chilean, Peruvian and international table […]
Produce advocates say there’s more land for golf than farms in the UK and that must change

Nature-friendly groups and celebrities say the government must stop relying on food imports and double the land used to grow fruits and vegetables. The open letter, coordinated by the agriculture-focused charity Soil Association, asks the Prime Minister to back and scale up horticulture sector. Chefs, influencers, and local celebrities like Sinead Fenton and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall […]
Sainsbury’s entices shoppers to buy more fruits, veg during Nectar 1,000 points Challenge

In what’s become a healthy annual rite of passage, Sainsbury’s is rewarding customers for adding fresh, frozen or dried produce items to their shopping baskets. The Great Fruit & Veg Challenge from Nectar allows consumers to earn as many as 1,000 loyalty points during a seven-week span from 31st July to 17th September if they […]
The Art of Produce: Why Aesthetics Matters When Serving Up Fruits and Vegetables

Dining embraces all five senses — the mouth-watering smell of fresh peaches; the sizzle of a fajita in a cast iron skillet; the silkiness of a tablecloth; the visual feast of a beautifully plated entree; or the refreshing taste of a watermelon sorbet. But beyond art for art’s sake — what some chefs dub “the […]
The countries driving an increase in avocado consumption … and yes, the UK is one of them

As the global avocado industry recovers from a challenging year due to the El Niño phenomenon, we spoke with Zac Bard, chairman of the World Avocado Organization (WAO), about the current state of the global industry and what markets are becoming more attractive for growers. Bard said that the change in weather patterns last year […]