Better with Butternut: Veg Power hopes to further increase consumption of savory squash

Produce Business report

Retailers aiming to increase their produce sales and help shoppers put more produce on the plate should promote a variety of staple vegetables during the change of seasons to autumn.

Besides being hearty and containing an abundance of essential vitamins, they can be prepared in numerous ways to please the palette.

Take butternut squash. Rich in vitamins A and C, it can be turned into soups or purees or cooked and mashed as a delicious side dish.

There can be barriers in that preparation, but not-for-profit agency Veg Power say those recipes don’t have to be complex. They are combining forces with SAKATA and Barfoots to not only raise awareness about the benefits of butternut squash but also try to increase consumption.

The three have launched a campaign called #BetterWithButternut through the end of the month that hope to do just that.

“At Veg Power we’re on a mission to get the UK eating more veg – which in turn will improve our nation’s dietary health,” Dan Parker, Chief Executive, Veg Power, said. “The #BetterWithButternut campaign will convey just how simple, versatile and easy to prepare this vegetable is at home, empowering people to give it a try and add it to their regular food shops.”

The campaign on social media, which hopes to attract one million views, will be backed by Power Seasonal Veg ambassadors including chefs Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, Shivi Ramoutar, Tom Aikens, and Bettina Campolucci Bordi. Nutritionists Charlotte Radcliffe and Zoe Griffiths also will be lending their expertise.

Recipes and ideas are being introduced by eco-chef Tom Hunt and food educator Tom Walker from Hackney School of Food, and there is even a retailer on board: Sainsbury’s is including promotional stickers on butternut squash grown by Barfoots.

“We’re incredibly proud to support Veg Power on their mission to inspire kids to eat more veg,” Kim Barfoot-Brace, Brand and Marketing Manager, Barfoots said. “Incredibly delicious, nutritious, versatile with the added benefit of being long life with no need for packaging. We think butternut is a wonder veg, and we’re really excited to see more families discover butternut magic.”



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