Packing for kiwifruit that conveniently separates the fruit for a five day working week, three sweet and tasty pineapple variations from Costa Rica and a handy slicer for persimmons will be among the highlights for Dutch importers Hillfresh International at the London Produce Show next week. PBUK spoke to Stephan Schneider from the company to find out more.
“Working together with our partner Tropicales del Valle we are able to offer a wide range of pineapples from Costa Rica which we will be showing,” he says.
“Apart from our Sweet Pineapple we also offer an Extra Sweet and Super Sweet variety. For people looking for something extraordinary we are also able to offer airfreight Pineapples and crownless.
“We are also showing some promotional possibilities like our pineapple slicer promotion packaging.”
Hillfresh is using this year’s London Produce Show to reintroduce its pineapple range to the UK market.
“We feel that there is a lot of potential in the UK market for our tasty produce and innovative retail solutions.
Introducing “kiweek” packaging
Working with Chilean growers, Hillfresh also offers kiwifruit from Latin America and at the show it will introduce packaging promoting the fruit as a convenient ready-to-eat product perfect to take into work – called kiweek.
Schneider says there will also be several other packaging innovations, convenience items and a giveaway of a novel persimmon/kaki slicer that perfectly cuts the fruit into bite-sized wedges.
“There will be more to come on some exciting kids’ concepts that I’m sure will prove to be very interesting and play into the theme of trying to boost the consumption of fresh fruit amongst our children,” he says.
“I can’t say anything more at this moment but watch this space.”