How amazing AI can simplify difficult tasks and break down barriers for wholesalers

As a teenager growing up on Long Island in the early 1990s, I got my first job working in wholesale produce. After an adolescence spent playing team sports, I loved the team atmosphere of the warehouse. I continued to work my way up the ladder and eventually formed what is now Krystal Produce. Even now, […]
Why is AI in your future? Because your business rivals are already going there.

Thinking about using artificial intelligence to boost your bottom lines in the fresh produce industry? You’re not alone. According to a new report by Tata Consultancy Services, more than 85% of 1,300 senior business leaders polled in 24 countries said they are using AI to boost their revenue streams and create new opportunities. The TCS […]
What place does artificial intelligence have in fresh produce? It’s simply, the future.

For all the excitement about ChatGPT, it requires significant effort for companies to harness the power of artificial intelligence and related technologies, such as machine learning. However, doing so isn’t just advantageous, it’s crucial — because any company that doesn’t keep pace with developments is going to watch as its competitors master it. Walmart is […]
Artificial intelligence at retail will still require human element

It seems that AI (artificial intelligence) has been dominating the news, touching every aspect of our daily life. The controversial topic has been shown to possess many positive attributes for business, but has also been linked to various concerns about its ability to replace human activity. There have also been concerns as to the use […]