Tesco, Sainsbury’s and several UK food and drink companies are amongst Most Trustworthy in the world

British retailers Tesco and Sainsbury’s are two of the Most Trustworthy Companies in the world, according to a survey done of customers, investors and employees done jointly by Newsweek magazine and Statista. Several other UK food and drink companies were among the 1,000 business honoured by the publication, which received more than 230,000 evaluations from […]
Wholesalers: Do you have a plan to address food waste? If you don’t, you should.

“Produce is an art, not a science.” These words resonated with me during my first week at DNO Produce in Ohio, as I toured our bustling warehouse. I quickly learned how true that is when managing procurement, inventory and sales in the produce industry. Our teams grapple with rapidly turning products, rejected shipments and unpredictable […]
Policy Exchange report shows UK needs better plan to address food security

In a new study released last week, the Policy Exchange says the UK Government must embrace a “National Food Security Strategy that encompasses the entire food ecosystem to keep products on shelves and prices down.” With the challenges of affordability not waning for consumers despite drops in inflation and efforts by some retailers to keep […]
Aldi UK launches £100 Back-to-School voucher campaign to help struggling families

According to new research from discount supermarket chain Aldi, parents in the UK spend a whopping £100 per child in their preparations for the school year. Nearly three-quarters of them say they are worried about their budgets and affordability. To help offset those costs, Aldi has launched a Back-to-School Fund campaign that includes £100 Aldi […]
Shoppers still seeking deals as grocery inflation rises for first time since March 2023

Grocery inflation increased slightly during the four-week period leading up to 4 August, but experts at Kantar International say it is not significant enough to spark concern. Though the jump from 1.6% to 1.8% marks the first time in nearly 18 months that grocery inflation has risen, the current rate is close to levels seen […]
The Art of Produce: Why Aesthetics Matters When Serving Up Fruits and Vegetables

Dining embraces all five senses — the mouth-watering smell of fresh peaches; the sizzle of a fajita in a cast iron skillet; the silkiness of a tablecloth; the visual feast of a beautifully plated entree; or the refreshing taste of a watermelon sorbet. But beyond art for art’s sake — what some chefs dub “the […]
The countries driving an increase in avocado consumption … and yes, the UK is one of them

As the global avocado industry recovers from a challenging year due to the El Niño phenomenon, we spoke with Zac Bard, chairman of the World Avocado Organization (WAO), about the current state of the global industry and what markets are becoming more attractive for growers. Bard said that the change in weather patterns last year […]
Wholesale Market: Yes, you do have a story to tell customers when they ask for something new

In specialty produce, you get asked a lot of questions. I’ve been working in specialty for over a decade, and I’ve heard them all. But there is one that gets asked more than any other: “What’s new?” You would think that is an easy question for a company that handles thousands of products from all […]