City Harvest earns permanent spot to ‘serve families in need’ at New Covent Garden Market

City Harvest, which has rescued thousands of tonnes of food from being wasted and turned it into 61 million healthy meals to serve those in need, has found a permanent space at one of the spots where they do the most work: New Covent Garden Market. The charitable group and its representatives have earned a […]
FareShare survey shows 30% of parents are purchasing fewer fruits this year

The Food Foundation estimates that more than 10 million people in the UK don’t get enough food to eat each year. And yet, more than 6 million tonnes of food goes to waste, according to the World Wide Fund for Nature. Gathering and redistributing surplus food, especially fresh fruits and vegetables, is one of the […]
Tesco, FareShare and Trussell Trust brighten summer for kids with healthy meals

Rest, relaxation and recreation. Summer months can provide all three, along with the feeling of being able to brush aside everyday stressors. But for those less fortunate including impoverished children across the UK, the summer ‘gap’ can be anything but carefree. In some cases, it can exacerbate their troubles. No school can mean no free […]
FareShare, this supermarket are working with suppliers to directly get fresh food to needy families

Waitrose and other UK supermarkets have long leaned on partnerships they have with charitable organisations to help bring meals to families who need it most. Instead of going to waste, excess food that is the equivalent of 16 million meals have gone to FareShare and other groups from Waitrose alone in the past six years. […]
Fruits and vegetables will be used as ‘prescriptive medicine’ during trial in two London boroughs

Two boroughs in London that through the years have experienced high levels of chronic disease will be part of a trial launched by Alexandra Rose Charity to boost health outcomes through prescriptive use of fresh produce. The Charity, working with public health teams in Lambeth and Tower Hamlets, have unveiled Fruit & Veg Prescription, a […]
Tesco partners with FareShare, Trussell Trust on ‘unprecedented’ food collection this winter

Tesco is one of a number of supermarket chains across the UK preparing for the winter rush of shoppers while also trying to ensure that those in need are helping during the festive period. Tesco announced it is launching its annual Food Collection drive from December 1 to 3 to assist charities Trussell Trust and […]
Tackling social sustainability in fresh produce

Social sustainability can best be described as a company’s desire to “make a positive difference to people’s lives and futures, with a focus on their position in the environment.” Social sustainability projects can create great support for and understanding of sustainability. Quite a few fresh produce companies aspire to become a supply chain partner that […]
Caboodle provides more direct network for UK retailers to tackle food waste

Several top brands, along with retailer Co-op and Microsoft, have begun to trial a massive project called Caboodle that aims to dramatically cut down on food waste in the UK. With more than 1.1 million tonnes of food going into the bin, co-founder Co-op and others want to find a way to both eliminate that […]