Global Grape Convention Exceeds Expectations With More Than 1,000 Attendees

The initiative, organized by Yentzen Group, the Chilean Fruit Table Grape Committee and the Peruvian Table Grape Producers Association (PROVID), featured an international-level program offering informative talks, specialized market analysis, ideas to identify new opportunities, marketing strategies and discussion panels. On Thursday, August 8, the most anticipated event for the Chilean, Peruvian and international table […]
Sellout gathering descends on Global Cherry Summit in Chile, with China taking centre stage

Chile became the epicenter of the world cherry industry Thursday with more than 1,400 attendees and 80 sector businesses gathered at the Monticello Events Center in Santiago to celebrate the 5th edition of the Global Cherry Summit. A large delegation from China, including the Chinese ambassador in Chile, Niu Qingbao, attended the event, organized by Yentzen […]
Chile to host Global Avocado Summit in November, with a sustainability as a major theme

The avocado industry has changed dramatically in the world and, particularly, in Chile. Today there are new supplier countries, growing markets, an increase in local consumption and great challenges such as enhancing the competitiveness of the avocado and promoting progress in sustainability. With that intersecting and current view, the day of the avocado returns: the […]
Global Cherry Summit, the sector’s premier event, will bring together leaders in April in Chile

The Fourth Global Cherry Summit is set to take place on April 20, 2023, at the Monticello Conference Center in San Francisco de Mostazal, Chile. The summit will bring together more than 900 leaders and international business people from at least a dozen countries, including key cherry producing regions, along with more than 70 businesses sponsoring and exhibiting. The diverse […]
UK seeing declines in avocado exports from Chile

Frosts and lower temperatures have had a negative impact on Chilean avocado production, according to a report from the US Department of Agriculture, and is already having an impact on the UK market. Exports for the marketing year 2022-23 overall are expected to decrease by 20% over the previous season, tumbling to 104,420 metric tonnes. […]
Higher volumes forecasted for Chilean cherries, as exporters look to diversify markets

Chilean cherry volumes are expected to increase by almost 18%, according to Chilean company Decofrut. Exports are forecast to grow by 12 million boxes, totalling 84 million boxes in the upcoming season. During 2021, 96% of the cherry exports for the southern hemisphere came from Chile. As for destination markets, the Far East receives more […]
Perishable Pundit: Chile sits at political precipice

When we launched The Global Trade Symposium as a sister event to The New York Produce Show and Conference, we knew for sure who we wanted to get to keynote that event. Mary Anastasia O’Grady, an Opinion Columnist for The Wall Street Journal, who writes The Americas column: Mary Anastasia O’Grady writes “The Americas,” a weekly column on politics, economics […]
UK’s Hancock receives visionary award at Global Cherry Summit 2022

Matt Hancock, Managing Director of UK cherry specialist Norton Folgate, was recognized for his impact during the Global Cherry Summit 2022. Taking place in Chile, The Global Cherry Summit 2022 brings together industry leaders and professionals from different growing countries, and is the first in-person installment of the event since 2019. During the event, Gustavo […]