Sainsbury’s prices veg at 19p to compete with Aldi Super Six Christmas deals

Keenly aware of the potential impact of discount retail during the final weeks of the year, Sainsbury’s says it will be doing its own trimming of prices for shoppers up until Christmas and giving them the highest-quality vegetables, meat and fish in the process. One of the key ingredients to any festive meals are vegetables, […]

Freshfel expresses concern after Belarus puts embargo on food imports

On Dec. 6, Belarus implemented an embargo on food import into the country for food products originating from the EU, the UK, Norway, Iceland, Switzerland, North Macedonia, Albania, the U.S. and Canada. Fruit and vegetables are included in the list along with other food categories such as meat, dairy products, and confectionery products while excluding […]

The Produce Industry Takes Off: A Countdown For Relaunch

As we prepare for the upcoming New York Produce Show and Conference, this year is like no other. It will surprise no one to learn that after the hiatus caused by the COVID pandemic last year, we were uncertain how things would unfold when we were told that the New York State and City authorities […]

Does the Aldi banana price rise mean we are turning corner?

For the best part of two decades, German hard discount retailer Aldi, present in thirty countries worldwide, has more or less set the benchmark price for fresh bananas in the European market. On 1st December the long-awaited ‘white smoke’ on the 2022 contract price finally appeared to have gone up after particularly protracted and controversial negotiations […]

Waitrose pushes expansion in Scotland by partnering with Margiotta

Waitrose has entered into an agreement and begun delivering its products to Margiotta, a convenience store chain in Scotland known for its high-quality fresh food. The retailer is supplying more than 600 items to 16 of Margiotta’s shops and will add two more locations after the new year as soon as those stores are revamped. […]

Chile expects major increase in avocado production

UK fruit imports held steady in 2017

In marketing year (MY) 2021-22 Chile will produce 220,000 metric tons (MT) of avocado, a 57 percent increase over MY2020-21, due to favorable climatic conditions. In MY2020-21 avocado production reached 140,000MT, a low production year due to drought and early frost, according to a USDA report. Eighty-nine percent of the avocados planted in Chile are the […]

Food prices across world rise closer to record

Food prices climbed closer to a record high, giving consumers and governments around the world an even bigger inflation headache, Bloomberg reports. A United Nations gauge of global food prices rose 1.2% last month, threatening to make it more expensive for households to put a meal on the table. It’s more evidence of inflation soaring in the […]

How a mobile-friendly platform can increase quality control of fresh produce

Companies that deal in fresh produce and are looking for more advanced quality control of their fruits and vegetables throughout the supply chain might want to check out Clarifruit’s mobile-friendly platform. By simply taking a photo from a smartphone of their product, Clarifruit’s intuitive app can then autogenerate a report with data for more refined […]