Questions abound on fresh produce consumption, but shows like New York help spread word

“How do we increase produce consumption?” This mantra has been chanted at industry events and in produce publications for as long as I can remember. It should be a no-brainer. Produce is healthy. Everyone wants to be healthy. Between fresh and non-fresh presentations, produce is available, affordable and there is a fruit or veggie that […]
Food as medicine? Why it’s probably best to avoid that label

There are certain words or phrases that make me cringe. Yes, kale, but also “food is medicine,” or “food as medicine.” I believe both phrases overpromise benefits while also taking away the joy, pleasure, and enjoyment of eating — especially when it comes to fresh produce. Think of the beautiful colors, enticing aromas, crunchy textures, […]
University-led Diet and Innovation Hub hopes to boost nutrition in UK

The University of Southampton and its researchers have been selected to spearhead one of six Diet and Innovation Hubs across the UK, hoping to find ways to improve the nutritional quality of food and beverages. The UK’s Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) along with the Medical Research Council (MRC), Innovate UK and DEFRA […]
Harvard Study On Produce and Mortality: Five Servings A Day Is Key, But We Need To Quantify The Benefits

We’ve been honored to speak and moderate many panels over the years at the Culinary Institute of America. We’ve always felt that influencing and educating chefs and future chefs is important to encourage produce usage in restaurants and institutions. This is why we have invested to create a special program to bring culinary students to the New York […]