THE COST OF LOST REPUTATION: The Price Of Our Loss In Afghanistan Reminds The Industry That Reputation Is A Great Store Of Value

We are not a political site here at the Pundit. Yet we think the collapse of Afghanistan is filled with lessons and warnings for people in business. Many years ago, my family business was heavily involved in the export of produce. An important employee had left the company and immediately set out to switch our […]
UK apple suppliers welcome Enhanced Trade Partnership with India

Expanding the UK’s export horizons opens the door for growers to achieve superior prices for larger apple sizes not demanded by domestic retailers. Growers and exporters in the UK have welcomed the signing of an Enhanced Trade Partnership (ETP) between the UK and India to facilitate the supply of fresh apples. The opportunities in India […]
South Africa protests disrupt citrus exports

South African farmers have been hit by days of unrest and looting as trucks carrying produce are prevented from delivering to markets. The country’s citrus exports through the port of Durban have been halted after violence erupted in the KwaZulu Natal and Gauteng regions. Crowds have this week clashed with police and ransacked shopping malls, […]
Salmonella outbreak in UK, other countries tied to melons

Melons have been linked to a Salmonella outbreak that has affected 200 people in more than 10 countries. Patients have been reported in Denmark, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Canada and Switzerland. Illnesses started in late March, Food Safety News reports. Czech Republic and Spain have also recorded recent Salmonella […]
In U.S. and across globe, retail success may be hard to sustain

Originally printed in the April 2021 issue of Produce Business. Though the produce category had a record year at retail in 2020, foodservice was, of course, way down as so many restaurants were closed as were institutions such as schools and their lunch and meal programs. The statistics are not all in yet, but there is […]
Freshfel Europe urges MEPs to remember Russian embargo impact

In an open communication, Freshfel Europe urged the European Parliament to not forget the strong and ongoing impact of the now seven-year Russian embargo on the fresh fruits and vegetable sector. The letter addressed to the Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) in the Agriculture and the International Trade Committees asked for the continued support of fruit […]
UK retailers resume avocado supplies from Kenya after boycott

Kenyan agricultural firm Kakuzi will soon resume exports of avocados to supermarkets in Europe which stopped buying its produce in October last year when the firm was accused of serious human rights abuse, Business Daily Africa reports. Supermarket chains Tesco, Sainsbury’s and Lidl suspended Kakuzi supplies in the wake of reports of rape and violence at Kakuzi […]
Freshfel will host Annual Event digitally in June

Freshfel, the European Fresh Produce Association that represents the interests of the fresh fruit and vegetables supply chain in Europe and across the world, announced it has opened registrations for its 2021 Annual Event that will take place online on 4 June. To celebrate Freshfel Europe’s 20th anniversary as well as the United Nations’ International Year […]