They’ve DONE it! New Scotland meals contain 5 portions of produce in one container

The struggle to get individuals to eat five portions of produce per day has been so difficult that some organisations have abandoned the idea altogether. They figure, eating any fruits and vegetables are a victory. However, the Food and Drink Federation Scotland along with Interface and the Scottish Centre for Food Development and Innovation at […]
Veg Power teams with Aardman’s Shaun the Sheep to get kids to eat ‘rainbow’ of vegetables

From “Eat Them to Defeat Them” to “Eat Tjhe Rainbow”. What an interesting an inviting twist. The not-for-profit alliance Veg Power has done it again, challenging children to consume more vegetables with a fun campaign that includes favourite character Shaun the Sheep. The new Holiday and Food Activities (HAF) programme launched with studio Aardman will […]
What could be more impactful or fun than National Carrot Day? It’s happening in October.

The British Carrot Growers Association will host National Carrot Day on 3 October in Yorkshire and online to bring awareness and “safeguard the future” of this incredibly heathy and versatile root vegetable. “It’s time to make a bit of noise about the nation’s favourite vegetable, the carrot,” says Rodger Hobson, Chair of the BCGA and […]