New Chef Grazing Boards Demonstrations a Hit with Attendees at New York Produce Show
Master of Ceremonies Max McCalman discusses the grazing board display created by Chef Glenn Rolnick (center) and assistant Brianna Catrombone of AliCart and Carmine’s Restaurants in New York City. Photo by Hatnim Lee
Foodservice Professionals Discuss Challenges and Drivers at NY Produce Show’s Foodservice Forum
Foodservice professionals gathered at the Ideation Fresh Foodservice Forum, in conjunction with the New York Produce Show and Conference and addressed key foodservice issues. The event, organized by Produce Business and the Eastern Produce Council, had more than 4,000 executives attending the one-day trade show and three co-located events. There were 280-plus exhibiting companies and a record […]
Restaurants can win back health-conscious consumers by putting more produce on plate
I am a hoarder of research, always searching for, collecting, examining and tucking away the latest market reports, consumer survey data, peer-reviewed research studies, long-form articles from respected sources, and government reports. My inspiration for this column came from the 2024 Consumer Curiosity Report recently released by Curious Plot, a marketing firm. The survey was fielded […]
Reaching Gen Z: Restaurants need to create ‘new food experiences’ away from home that include fresh produce
I am a hoarder of research, always searching for, collecting, examining and tucking away the latest market reports, consumer survey data, peer-reviewed research studies, long-form articles from respected sources, and government reports. My inspiration for this column came from the 2024 Consumer Curiosity Report recently released by Curious Plot, a marketing firm. The survey was […]
Better with Butternut: Veg Power hopes to further increase consumption of savory squash
Retailers aiming to increase their produce sales and help shoppers put more produce on the plate should promote a variety of staple vegetables during the change of seasons to autumn. Besides being hearty and containing an abundance of essential vitamins, they can be prepared in numerous ways to please the palette. Take butternut squash. Rich […]
Potatoes have a lot of problems, but here are 5 ways to give them a lift in foodservice
Potatoes have a problem. Maybe more than one problem. Right now, historically low prices are the biggest challenge for grower/packer/shippers. This leads menu R&D professionals to take them for granted as a low-cost, always-available ingredient. Potatoes have a high menu penetration, and are often viewed by foodservice professionals as a cheap plate-filler. When portions are […]
The Art of Produce: Why Aesthetics Matters When Serving Up Fruits and Vegetables
Dining embraces all five senses — the mouth-watering smell of fresh peaches; the sizzle of a fajita in a cast iron skillet; the silkiness of a tablecloth; the visual feast of a beautifully plated entree; or the refreshing taste of a watermelon sorbet. But beyond art for art’s sake — what some chefs dub “the […]
UK’s GrowUp vertical farm lands massive investment to expand its bagged salads
Kent-based vertical farm GrowUp has received a £38 million investment from Generate Capital to help meet growing demand for its ready-to-eat salads. The funds will help the certified B Corp expand capacity at its farm and Leaf Lab site in Cambridge, as well as help support its Unbeleafable and Fresh Leaf Co. brands. The investment […]