VegPower’s Parker leads spirited session on produce consumption at New York show

More than 40 attendees from consumer media explored ways to promote and drive produce consumption at the Connect with Fresh 2023 Consumer Media and Influencer Lunch during the New York Produce Show, Dec. 6. The 14th annual New York Produce Show and Conference (NYPS) opened Dec. 5. The event had a record audience of more than 5,000 executives […]

New York Produce Show and Conference enjoys record attendance, sponsorships

The 14th annual New York Produce Show and Conference (NYPS) opened Dec. 5, with GRATITUDE as the overall theme. The show had a record audience of more than 5,000 executives attending the one-day trade show and three co-located events. There were 350-plus exhibiting companies and a record of 41 sponsors. The New York Produce Show is […]

Chile teams with Peru to tackle industry issues at Global Grape Convention 2024

For the first time, organizations from Chile and Peru will meet at the Global Grape Convention 2024, to seek solutions to the problems facing the grape sector, as well as provide market information. Grape producers and expoters worldwide have experiencedchange and stress: marked by “climatic factors, the COVID-19 pandemic, logistical issues in origin and destination, […]

Aldi releases its Super Six vegetables for Christmas at astonishingly low prices

New manager says ASDA aims to remove nearly six million pieces of plastic each year

Always keen to undercut competitors on pricing of its items, Aldi typically goes even lower on select fresh products this time of year. From 18th December, Aldi shoppers will find those Super Six vegetables in stores across the UK for less than 20p. This is an especially nice gift during a 12-month stretch when consumers […]

Bidding a fond farewell: It’s time for the next generation to step up

How has COVID-19 affected the fresh produce sector in the UK?

For the past decade or so, it has been my honor and privilege to present the intricacies of produce retailing to you in the pages of Produce Business. I have tried to shed some light upon the mysteries involved with the business of retailing fresh produce. I am quite sure that, at times, the explanation left […]

Root vegetables, displayed well, bring color and variety to produce departments

A plethora of colorful and specialty root vegetables, such as carrots, beets, radishes, Tokyo swedes, parsley root and celery root, once were primarily served at white tablecloth, high-end restaurants. While foodservice remains Babé Farms’ primary channel, says Matt Hiltner, marketing coordinator for the Santa Maria, CA-based company, “our brand of colorful and intriguing vegetables is gaining […]

British Berry Growers launch policy board in hopes of ‘securing future’ of industry

British Berry Growers, which represent nearly all of the commercial soft fruit growers in the UK, have formed a Campaign and Policy board to advocate for the industry’s pressing needs.  “The value of UK berry production is an estimated £800 million at farm gate and accounts for approximately 33,000 jobs across the country,” Nick Marston, […]