Fruit Logistica: Three new raspberry varieties from ABB set tone for year-round production

As part of an expansion of its raspberry portfolio, Advanced Berry Breeding (ABB), a leader in raspberry breeding based in the Netherlands, announced the commercial launch of three new varieties – the premium Malaika, as well as Zawadi and Baridi. The three varieties are set to be showcased at the upcoming Fruit Logistica event in Berlin […]
Study: Table grape market in UK expected to grow to more than £1.1 billion

Increasing consumer preference for healthy snacks is one of the trends behind a strong estimated market progression for the UK table grape sector, with a recent report by projecting a value of £1.1 billion by 2028. The sector has experienced a steady CAGR of 3.47% from its 2021 valuation of £870 million. According to […]
Facility expansion gives City Harvest chance to feed thousands more needy people in London

The charity City Harvest, which has worked tirelessly to end hunger and support those in need across London, has added an expansion to its main facility that will allow 60,000 more meals per day to go to its community partners. A host of dignitaries including WRAP CEO Harriet Lamb and Local MP Rupa Huq led […]
Lemon overproduction from key exporting countries has led to ‘critical global situation’

During the last two decades, most lemon-producing and exporting countries increased their productive area and production volumes. “The volume increased in Spain, Turkey, and especially in South Africa,” José Carbonell, President of the Argentine Citrus Association FEDERCITRUS, told “This led to a doubling of the hectares planted with lemons in the world in the last […]
Tesco survey: Nearly 50% of households are making vegetables a bigger part of their diets

According to a new survey released by OnePoll on behalf Tesco, nearly half of 2,000 British respondents say they are eating more vegetables than they did five years ago. As part of the push to honour and help promote Veganuary, Tesco officials say they are working hard to help UK consumers stick to healthier diets […]
Leaning on ‘quality’ and Food, M&S is big winner during the Christmas period

Despite the admitted challenges and competition facing big retailers in the UK, especially the rise of deep discounters, some are doing quite well. Marks and Spencer, which had its share of struggles before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, has shown particular resilience with a stunning 7% boost from its M&S Food Division during the Christmas […]
Study: Regenerative cultivation could unlock key to soil health, preserving nutrients

Though still early, a recent study being conducted at the University of Leeds Farm is showing the steep potential and benefits of regenerative cultivation techniques over invasive ploughing. The study compares soil health, crop production, greenhouse gas emissions, and profit of different farming systems across seven 12m x 40m plots. Some of the plots were […]
How the placement of citrus inside and outside can add zest and sales in your produce department

Citrus is a core category in produce departments and, with a variety of products available and flexibility in merchandising, retailers can develop presentations to generate more attention — and sales. The range of merchandising possibilities is vast. In one example, 3 Guys from Brooklyn, Brooklyn, NY, which is located at an intersection, positions its citrus largely […]