Grapes in foodservice: It’s all about presentation and taste, says Sysco director

Can expanding grapes in the foodservice sector drive increased consumption overall? Two experts in the field addressed exactly that at the recent Global Grape Summit in Bakersfield, California. Jon Greco, senior director, produce sourcing at Sysco in Salinas, California, knows foodservice, plus he knows the challenges from the growing/supplier community, and brought that insight to this year’s […]
Global Grape Summit: Maude discusses how breeders, growers and retailers can build the future

Rupert Maude has worked for a major producer and a breeder, has lived and worked in producing and consuming countries, and has sold a variety of fresh produce including lettuce, almonds, garlic, and, more recently, stone fruit and table grapes. Last year, Sun World International named Maude its Brand Ambassador. This new role is one […]
John Pandol speaks out: ‘Volume is vanity. Profit is sanity’

We go back a long ways with the Pandols. When the Pundit was testing his eye teeth in the business, our family company used to split a Chilean shipper with the Pandols and Jack Pandol was the man my father called on to lecture this incipient Pundit when he was still in grade school about the UFW. […]
Consumers, Grapes and Gene Editing: Cornell’s Rickard Sheds Light On Latest Research

Brad Rickard has an inquisitive mind and a generous heart. He has presented with us in numerous venues and always left the audience thinking: Cornell Professor Brad RickardReturns To London To Unveil New Study: QUANTITY, VALUE AND DIVERSITY —The 10-Year Evolution Of Consumer Purchase Preferences For Packaged Produce Can Labeling Impact Food Waste?Is Zero Waste […]
EU table grape forecast shows slight changes for 2021-22

The European Union table grape production is forecast to increase slightly with exports decreasing in the 2021-22 marketing year, according to a USDA report. The production forecast is 1,386,000 metric tons (MT), up just one percent from the previous season, mostly due to dry temperatures in May that favored fruit setting increasing volumes in Italy. Production […]
Sun World expands table grape footprint in Egypt, Italy

Sun World has recently granted six additional licenses to Egyptian table grape grower-marketers and two new Italian grower-marketers, bringing the total to seven and ten licenses, respectively. These appointments come as part of the company’s strategy to extend its reach in “high-potential gateway markets”. One of the primary motivations for this expansion is to satisfy […]
Migiva seeks to scale up post-harvest Hazel application on table grapes

Peru-based Migiva Group, the owner of fresh produce grower-exporter Agricola Andrea, has launched a partnership with Hazel Technologies Inc. of the United States to trial the post-harvest application Hazel for grapes on a commercial scale. The Hazel application is said to improve the quality and condition of table grapes. The bonus is added shelf-life, reduced […]
Produce notes: Jupiter Group will grow South African plums in Greece

Jupiter Group says it will be trialling six new varieties of South African plums in the Northern Hemisphere for the first time. The Global fresh produce grower will be partnering with AS Nestos on the initiative in Kavala, Greece, that will see the growth of plum varieties African Delight, Ruby Star, African Rose, Ruby Sun, Ruby […]