Have we finally reached a ‘crisis’ moment in the divide between British growers and retailers?

Earlier this week, the chairman of British Berry Growers Nick Marston said that “confidence in their retailer partners had been dented,” notably impaired by an outdated Groceries Supply Code of Practice (GSCOP). “It is not fit for purpose in today’s inflationary marketplace,” said Marston, whose group represents 95% of those who grow in the commercial […]
South Africa growers lower citrus estimate for 2023-24 season

The Citrus Growers Association of South Africa (CGA) is revising its estimate for the 2023-24 season, with plantings “below the forecast growth curve” initially projected. “This season, Southern African citrus growers packed 165.1 million boxes for delivery to global markets,” CGA says in a release. While this is an increase of approximately 800,000 boxes over […]
State of Blueberry report shows shifts in UK imports, dire straits for domestic growers

The International Blueberry Organization unveiled its highly anticipated 2023 State of the Global Blueberry Industry report on Aug. 15, via a live presentation. The analysis thoroughly examines the sector’s challenges and strengths, confirming a shift in production towards the counter season. “Sometime either in 2023 or 2024, the industry will see more fresh volumes shipped […]
For wholesale markets, communication up and down the supply chain is critical to success

As a produce wholesaler, we strive to establish and maintain strong relationships. Our DNA is embedded in our connections within the industry. We rely heavily on our growers and shippers to feed us information, which, in turn, allows us to best serve our customers. It is our job to be in constant communication, recognizing produce […]
Brakes embraces Love British Food campaign to put much-needed spotlight on local growers

Foodservice wholesaler Brakes is putting its marketing strength behind British growers with a new campaign that highlights locally produced, seasonal food. Brakes is embracing Love British Food as it kicks off this month with a new spot on its website that showcases supplier stories and how consumers and caterers can use fresh British ingredients in […]
Tesco’s full network of UK growers achieve LEAF Marque standard

All of Tesco’s UK-based fruit and vegetable growers are LEAF-Marque certified, setting a high bar on sustainability that should carry through for generations. The nearly 500 growers have committed to strong climate standards that include ensuring soil health, limiting carbon emissions and preventing deforestation. In addition, they’ve fostered biodiversity across their farms. “Reaching this significant […]
Blistering heat scorching fruits and vegetables across UK

The UK heatwave has caused fruit and vegetables to die on the vine as growers fear the drought and further hot temperatures could ruin harvests this year. Fruit and vegetable suppliers have been counting their losses after record temperatures in July caused crops to fail, according to a report by The Guardian. “It’s not just fruit […]
South Africa concludes record table grape season, though UK down slightly

South Africa’s 2021-22 table grape season has officially concluded, and the intakes reached a total of 77.7 million cartons (4,5kg equivalent), marking a 4% year-on-year increase, the SATI industry body said. When comparing regional performance to the 2020-21 season, the Orange River and Hex River regions displayed the highest volumes inspected with an increase of […]