British Summer Fruits has been rebranded in homage to growers

British Summer Fruits has a new name in time for the summer: the organisation that represents the majority of commercial soft fruit growers is now, fittingly, British Berry Growers. Along with the new brand, the industry’s berry backer wants to ensure its seasonal offerings comprise 100% of the market and for its exports to surpass […]

UK Grower of the Year? FPC Fresh Awards will honour one in July

Perhaps at no point in recent memory has there been a more challenging time to be a grower in the UK – with the COVID-19 pandemic, rising costs, labour shortage and weather that has been especially fickle wreaking havoc on farmers and their crops. But the best of the best have shined through, and the […]

Westfalia edges towards carbon neutrality

Westfalia Fruit Group has taken another step towards carbon neutrality, achieving the One Carbon World Carbon Neutral International Standard for 15 of its businesses for 2020.  The leading multinational supplier of avocados has counted its 2020 footprint with One Carbon World, a carbon footprint verification organization. It is also a recognized resource partner in the UN’s Climate […]

FPC hosting black-tie ceremony for Fresh Awards on 8 July in London

The Fresh Produce Consortium (FPC) is inviting all who are involved in trading fruits and vegetables, cut flowers and plants across the UK to submit their entries for the annual FPC Fresh Awards. The FPC will be hosting its first reception to honour the best growers, service providers, marketers and “distinguished personnel” from across fresh […]

Westfalia joins Veg Power mission to boost child produce consumption

Westfalia Fruit International forges new capital investment with US company

Westfalia Fruit Group, the top supplier of avocados to the UK, has joined the coalition of 23 other member organisations in support of nonprofit Veg Power to help drive healthy consumption among children. Westfalia, the multinational grower-packer-shipper that has sales office in the UK and around the world and grows a multitude of other vegetables, […]

South Africa Citrus Forecast Cut Due to Violence

South African citrus remains a success story despite ongoing CBS issues

South Africa’s 2021 citrus export forecast has been reduced following a period of violent unrest in the country, but the latest estimate remains above the 2020 figures as port operations return to normal. The estimate now stands at 156.2 million cartons across all categories, according to the Citrus Growers Association of Southern Africa (CGA). The […]

UK apple suppliers welcome Enhanced Trade Partnership with India

Expanding the UK’s export horizons opens the door for growers to achieve superior prices for larger apple sizes not demanded by domestic retailers. Growers and exporters in the UK have welcomed the signing of an Enhanced Trade Partnership (ETP) between the UK and India to facilitate the supply of fresh apples. The opportunities in India […]