Bidding a fond farewell: It’s time for the next generation to step up

For the past decade or so, it has been my honor and privilege to present the intricacies of produce retailing to you in the pages of Produce Business. I have tried to shed some light upon the mysteries involved with the business of retailing fresh produce. I am quite sure that, at times, the explanation left […]
Jim Prevor: Captain of conscience

Jim Prevor was my friend. He is not a mere casual acquaintance, industry colleague, business associate, media contact, or fellow board member, but a true friend. One who is honest, straightforward and direct in all his support. Above all, he always told you the truth, no matter how brutal or discouraging it might be. Upper […]
A Not-So-Quiet Giant Leaves Lasting Impact on Produce Industry

Many years ago, Jim Prevor wrote and published a beautiful “In Memoriam” piece about my father, Stephen D’Arrigo. His kind words were incredibly insightful and provided my family with a beautiful and lasting account about the beloved founder of our company. It is framed, hanging prominently in the front lobby of our company headquarters here […]
This one’s for you, Jimbo …

On Monday evening, Nov. 7, I prepared a post for LinkedIn. I wrote it in the spirit of my looming 65th birthday. The post started off with the first line of the amazing Tower of Song, Leonard Cohen’s masterpiece that was released in 1988. ‘All my friends are gone and my hair is gray’… As […]
Jim Prevor, Industry Icon and Maverick Thought Leader, Passes Away

The Produce Business editor who launched the London Produce Show and Conference was a force of boundless energy and enthusiasm for the perishable food and fresh produce industry in which he was born and carried a rich family legacy.
Global Grape Summit preview: There’s much more to grapes than buying and selling

Each year at The New York Produce Show and Conference, we bring in students from various universities who, we hope, will be interested in careers in produce. They have come from as far away as the University of Gastronomic Sciences, located in Pollenzo, Italy, Harper Adams University in the UK and as near as Cornell […]
Research & Analysis: Industry Should Focus On Getting the Poor to Eat More

Consumers indeed make produce a personal decision, and to whatever degree the industry — growers/shippers and retailers — can offer more options, consumers will split up their purchases, and so the new items offered will have some volume. It is also true that some of the new items — better varieties, more convenient cuts, interesting […]
Fruits of Thought: The Great Resignation And The Joy of Produce

All over the United States, businesses are experiencing difficulty getting fully staffed. This is especially a problem in restaurants and hospitality establishments that downsized a great deal or even closed during the pandemic. In August one in 14 workers in these industries quit. Partly this is because it is easy to quit as comparable jobs […]