Lidl GB implements new tool to help address ‘disparities’, close wage gap with banana workers

This month, Lidl GB will introduce a new tool they say will help tackle wage disparities among banana plantation workers. Already trialled in Germany, the new calculation done in conjunction with non-profit organisation IDH determines the gap between the living wage on the premium paid by Lidl. Suppliers can continually analyse the data to ensure […]
Sainsbury’s makes strong commitment to Fairtrade bananas, growers and workers

Sainsbury’s announced this week it was committing money from all bananas sold in stores to paying better wages to workers and growers in Cameroon, Colombia, Dominican Republic and Ghana. The world’s biggest retailer of Fairtrade bananas has stepped up three years ahead of the standard set in an agreement through IDH with nine other supermarkets […]
Ecuador’s Banana Time show will address 2 critical topics: climate and sustainability

Celebrating its 20th year, the Ecuador-based Banana Time international convention continues to evolve. Business networking and trade talk clearly remain the focus for attendees who converge on Guayaquil. But two more topics – sustainability and climate – will take center stage on the agenda of this year’s event hosted by the Association of Ecuadorian Banana […]
Tesco sets an example on living wages for banana plantation workers. Who’s next?

The extent of the gap between actual wages and a living wage varies across the principal export banana producing countries, and while Tesco suppliers in Ecuador and Colombia pay very close to minimum living wage levels, there are substantial gaps on many plantations in countries like Dominican Republic, Côte d’Ivoire and the Guatemalan Pacific coast. Tesco defines […]