Pomegranate Seeds Buck Prepared Fruit Trend With Ample Room For Growth

Strong sales growth and low household penetration point to positive opportunities for prepared pomegranate seeds, prompting PrepWorld to launch a consumer campaign. Pomegranates are turning heads in the UK. At a time when many prepared fruits have been challenged severely by the pandemic, sales of pomegranate seeds have experienced year-on-year double-digit growth. As such, the […]
Much More Data Needed in Studying Food Pantries

There is little question that giving away anything for free tends to increase use or consumption of that item. If we give away healthy produce, but people still have to pay for unhealthy items, people’s diets will likely show some shift to healthier items. Despite its claims, the report below provides no evidence that 300 […]
U.S.: Lidl Builds Sustainable Presence by Listening to Customers

Today’s consumers are focused on produce purchases that fit their lifestyle and improve their health, but environmental sustainability is becoming an important buying factor too. And that’s something Retail Sustainability Award winner Lidl US is embracing in a big way. At a time when COVID-19, a related recession and a major lifestyle realignment have made consumers rethink […]
Retailer rescues 400 tonnes of British strawberries, puts them on sale in stores

A huge surplus of strawberries brought on by mixed weather conditions have ended up in Tesco stores. The UK retailer rescued 400 tonnes of the fruit and immediately put them on sale in supermarkets – £3 for one kilo boxes instead of the regular £2 for a 400g punnet. “Last week’s heatwave brought the strawberries […]
Consumer demand helps spark increase in organic land conversion

As shoppers are changing their habits toward embracing more organic food, so too are farmers across the UK, according to the latest Organic Statistics for 2020 report from the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA). There has been a more than 11% increase in the conversion of land to become certified organic – […]
Healthy food campaigns aimed at kids, adults, kick off in UK

Two campaigns to get UK consumers and kids to eat more healthy foods have kicked off – with retailer Sainsbury’s launching a new brand effort called Help Everyone Eat Better and ITV and Veg Power combining forces on the third year of Eat Them To Defeat Them. Sainsbury’s will deliver its advertising initiative around the […]
Tesco opens entries for annual Agri T-Jam competition

Entries are now being accepted for one the food industry’s most innovative competitions, Tesco’s Agri T-Jam, which highlights the most creative and thoughtful solutions being developed across the UK and the world. Seed and early-stage agri-tech innovators must submit their entries on improving supply chain efficiency and sustainability by June 10 for the opportunity to […]
BerryWorld ‘leading the way for sustainable packaging innovation’

In efforts to minimize the company’s environmental impact, BerryWorld will this season continue to pack its British berry supply in Prevented Ocean Plastic that it introduced last year. The company is “conscious of their role in the supply chain and wider role in society” and is therefore working to ensure UK berries are sustainably grown […]