Freshfel will host Annual Event digitally in June

Freshfel, the European Fresh Produce Association that represents the interests of the fresh fruit and vegetables supply chain in Europe and across the world, announced it has opened registrations for its 2021 Annual Event that will take place online on 4 June. To celebrate Freshfel Europe’s 20th anniversary as well as the United Nations’ International Year […]
Branston begins work on potato protein extraction plant

Leading potato supplier Branston has broken ground on a £6m facility in Lincolnshire that will extract high grade plant protein from potatoes. The facility, the first of its kind in the UK, will take the protein from “low-value potatoes” and create starch-based products as well as utilize it in vegetarian and vegan foods. Branston is […]
Berry Gardens to use recycled ocean plastic in punnets

Starting this summer, Berry Gardens officials say they will aim to help save the environment by utilizing Prevented Ocean Plastic in most of their own-label punnets. The berry and stone fruit production marketing group says the plastics will come from items scooped up along beaches and coasts. More than 30% of those punnets, which will […]
Interko’s new mobile ripening rooms offer flexibility

Netherlands-based Interko, which has been partnering for the past five years on research and development with Fyffes, has created a new Containerised Ripening Room that can fit inside a standard insulated refrigeration container. The easy-to-build and mobile units allow operators the flexibility to not only house a ripening room In smaller facilities but also the […]
How farming makes you a better wholesaler

Originally printed in the March 2021 issue of Produce Business Together with my father and my brother, we are developing our family business with passion and excitement. Trying new things and seeing soon the result is very satisfying. Fresh fruits are demanding products with complex supply chains. We meet many interesting people around the globe. The […]
South Africa expects big pome fruit harvest, but shipping costs a concern

South Africa’s Hortgro says it is expecting a record apple and pear crop this season after “near-perfect growing conditions”. The “exceptional” harvests come despite challenges relating to the Covid-19 pandemic and a “few tough years of drought”, it said. Additionally, the expected record volumes come in spite of the Langkloof hail which in January removed […]
European Market: Sustainability & CSR: What Is It All About?

In June 1992, at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, more than 178 countries adopted Agenda 21, a comprehensive plan of action to build a global partnership for sustainable development to improve human lives and protect the environment. Using this as a basis, the United Nations worked with countries all over the world […]
NY Produce Show Discussion: Cornell’s Ed McLaughlin Sees Smaller Format Stores With Secondary Warehousing, JIT Delivery, Changes In Retail-Buyer Relationships

This column first appeared on The One of the advantages of having done a virtual edition of The New York Produce Show and Conference was that we came out of it with an all-star collection of incredible industry insight. Today, we share with the broader Pundit audience a conversation with Ed McLaughlin of Cornell University. Ed is widely […]