Sainsbury’s planning to give £1 million to help support Black communities

Retail roundup: Sainsbury's adding 12,000 roles for Christmas season

Officials at Sainsbury’s say the supermarket chain they will be donating an unprecedented £1 million over the coming year to organisations that offer support to Black communities. The retailer plans to kickstart the campaign through a partnership with Show Racism the Red Card, an anti-racism charity focused on children, to help the group provide educational […]

Demand for pumpkins expected to soar as Brits celebrate, gather more this season

It’s pumpkin season and that means demand will be high for the versatile fruit during the next month. With a great quality crop this year according to Oakley Farms in Cambridgshire, Tesco is expecting to see a sizable bump in sales as shoppers prep for family gatherings and meals. The retailer said it could see […]

Shares in UK supermarkets surge amid acquisition speculation

Morrisons introduces 'Love To Help' measures for vulnerable and elderly

Shares in British supermarkets surged today amid speculation that they could be targets for private equity bids, The Evening Standard reports. Sainsbury’s jumped by 13.8p — or 4.8% — to top the FTSE 100. Tesco was the second biggest riser with a gain of 1.6% and Ocado was just behind, up 1%. Momentum in the sector follows the conclusion of the bidding war […]

What if Instacart Becomes a Retailer?

Multi-channel retail: standing still is not an option

Originally printed in the September 2021 issue of Produce Business. My eldest son, William, is a student at Cornell University. He attends The Hotel School, which is a part of the SC Johnson College of Business. This year, he moved off campus into his own apartment. One of the reasons he looked forward to this is […]

A Vow for Continuous Improvement

European fresh fruit and veg sector facing tumultuous period, says Freshfel

To be a wholesaler in Boston, as far a major market from the big produce-production areas on the West coast as exists in the country, is to make one deeply sensitive to reefer trucking costs.

Tesco’s new mission: Net zero emissions across chain by 2050

UK supermarket chain Tesco is making a further commitment to world climate sustainability by saying it would reach net zero emissions in its value chain by 2050. The action will include all of the products that are in its stores as well as throughout supply chains, which will meet the goals set out by the […]