British blueberries, the ‘mighty’ snacking fruit, are filling up produce section shelves

Can blueberries boost attention in children?

British blueberry producers are expecting to send 6,000 tonnes of fruit to retail shelves this year, projecting the “sweetest and largest crop yet.” This season, which started in early June and will run to late September, will offer “sweeter than ever” fruit thanks to sunny weather which boosts blueberries’ natural sugar content. “British blueberries have long […]

More than 1,000 suppliers will converge on pivotal conference hosted by Aldi

Aldi is bringing together more than 1,000 of its suppliers – along with 200 of its own colleagues – to discuss overall trade strategy and potential growth at a conference on 4th July at ICC Birmingham. It is the first time in five years that the discount retailer has done a live gathering for this […]

Worldwide production of table grapes rising for the 4th consecutive year

Global Grape Summit: Grapa says potential for ARRA grapes in India 'is huge'

World table grape production is forecast up 1.1 million tonnes to 27.3 million for a fourth straight year of growth, according to a report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Favorable growing conditions in China and Turkey more than offset losses in Chile and India. Chile’s  production is projected to drop nearly 9% to 725,000 […]

Fyffes’ melon farm in Honduras receives top certification for agricultural stewardship

Suragroh, Fyffes’ melon farm in Honduras, has earned GLOBALG.A.P certification for its efforts in transforming its business under local management during the past two years. GLOBALG.A.P recognises farms for initiatives that spur safe food production and safeguard worker health and safety, the environment, and the welfare of local communities. In October 2001, Fyffes was the first […]

UK grape grower AMFresh partners with private equity firm to acquire two companies

Autumn Crisp and Adora Seedless driving Sun World’s global growth

AMFresh of the UK and private equity fund manager EQT of Sweden have acquired Special New Fruit Licensing Holding Company (SNFL) of Spain and International Fruit Genetics LLP (IFG) of the U.S. The deal was approved by the European Commission under the EU Merger Regulation. AMFRESH is active in growing table grapes, other fruits, and vegetables. SNFL and IFG both breed and develop new […]

Can a coating of CBD really help extend the life of strawberries?

Researchers at Thammasat University and Chulabhorn Research Institute in Thailand have developed an invisible, edible coating made with cannabidiol (CBD) that extends the freshness of strawberries and can help improve post-harvest life. CBD has been shown to have antioxidant and antibacterial effects. Previous studies have found that CBD limits the growth of some pathogenic bacteria and fungi, […]

Freshfel Europe’s EU Consumption Monitor: We Must Build Value in Produce

The average daily consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables in Europe remains well below the recommended minimum of 400 grams (14 ounces) per person per day. Despite a positive momentum for consumption growth, several barriers remain, severely impacting the move toward a healthier and more sustainable diet for European consumers. In the latest edition of […]