Europe’s Largest Grocery Markets Stir Up Demand as Inflation Dust Settles

As the inflationary dust begins to settle across Europe’s largest grocery markets, demand patterns are shifting, presenting a blend of opportunities and challenges for retailers and manufacturers alike. While inflation has eased, affordability remains a key barrier to demand recovery. The post-inflationary landscape is marked by uneven volume sales recovery, distinct growth drivers, and a […]
New York Produce Show Will Bring ‘Passion’ Back to Manhattan in December 2025

Fresh off one of the most successful expositions in their history, New York Produce Show and Conference organizers said they will carry through the “Where Passion Becomes Action” theme for their 15th Anniversary event, which will take place Dec. 2-4, 2025, in New York City. Nearly 4,000 guests from more than 1,000 companies took part in […]
Fruit Attraction attendees get ‘real taste’ of stunning World Food Photography Awards images

More than 100,000 attendees got a chance to view the most creative and alluring fresh fruit and vegetable images at the World Food Photography Awards’ “Corridor of Fame” exhibition during Fruit Attraction in Madrid. For more than a decade, many industry leaders have seen those images shared online but not actually in person. The Corridor […]
They’ve DONE it! New Scotland meals contain 5 portions of produce in one container

The struggle to get individuals to eat five portions of produce per day has been so difficult that some organisations have abandoned the idea altogether. They figure, eating any fruits and vegetables are a victory. However, the Food and Drink Federation Scotland along with Interface and the Scottish Centre for Food Development and Innovation at […]
All Systems Go! Dole Ireland releases new line to boost awareness of organic fruits, vegetables

Dole Ireland has unveiled a new range of fresh produce under the banner DOLE Go Organic! which is meant to encourage consumers across the nation to consume more organic fruits and vegetables. Launched at an event in The Grayson Hotel, Dublin City Centre in front of numerous influencers, the produce dubbed ‘Taste first, Planet always’ […]
Like you, we have a Passion for Produce. Share your story with us and help us celebrate 40 years.

It seems like yesterday when this author attended his first PMA Convention in San Francisco … 39 years ago. There is a photo in my archives of Bruce Jenner (now Caitlyn Jenner) and Soap Opera Star Emma Samms cutting the ribbon to open the trade show, and there are fond memories of being introduced to […]
Investing in the future: How to unlock the funding to finance a food system transformation

Currently, an astonishing one-third of all food produced worldwide is either lost or wasted. It’s difficult to overlook the evidence, and most pertinently, the data highlights that our global food system is still far from future-proof. In 48 countries, an estimated 238 million people still experience chronic food insecurity. If we capture even half of […]
Tis the Season: Veg Power’s new pitch highlights timing of fresh produce to consumers

The powerful lobbying organisation Veg Power has unleashed another new campaign aimed at consumers to entice them to eat more produce which focusses on seasonality of fresh produce. Each month, Veg Power plans to feature a vegetable that is in season on its website and on social media with the help of influencers. For example, […]