The London Produce Show and Conference (LPS), presented by the Fresh Produce Consortium and Produce Business, brings together some of the sharpest minds from the global fresh produce industry and beyond to present a series of educational seminars and workshops that explore the topics and issues which have an impact directly or indirectly on the working lives of every delegate at the show
View the full stage 1 seminar programme here.
The LPS16 educational seminar sessions are sponsored by Compac, the world leader in complete, turnkey sorting and packing solutions for the fresh produce industry, and there are two stages running in the Great Room of Grosvenor House throughout June 9, 2016. The multinational list of speakers and panelists are drawn from several sectors of the trade around the world, as well as from external organisations that perform vital functions for the trade.
The featured nation at this year’s LPS is Holland and the seminar session on stage 1 begins with a series of speakers who will highlight some of the incredible innovation that drives the Dutch produce industry. Every concept and practice they will talk about has one objective in mind; to increase the global consumer’s daily intake of fresh produce.
There is a theme running through the last few sessions of the day and it revolves around a topic that exercises all of us – waste, waste reduction and effective crop utilisation. Feedback is the official LPS charity partner this year and a series of presentations and a concluding workshop panel will address many of the key issues, as well as analysing some of the myriad initiatives that are already in the market attempting to solve one of the industry’s largest challenges.
There is lots more besides – come and hear an ex-Walmart man’s take on Asda, find out how Gal Wollach of ROP is working to develop shelf-life extension technology that focuses on nutritional values, and how the corrugated packaging industry is re-boxing its image. A Peruvian seminar programme will highlight some of the newer crops making waves in the Andean country, the Food Standards Agency picks out some of the key factors that exporters into the UK need to consider, and two Cornell professors give their perspective on different issues affecting global trade.
“We have secured a top-class line-up of speakers from across the globe and there really is something for everyone on this year’s seminar programme,” said London Produce Show and Conference managing director Tommy Leighton. “The LPS series of educational workshops and seminars explore topics and issues that impact directly or indirectly on the working lives of all show attendees. They add great value to a day jam-packed with an outstanding variety of events, allowing visitors and exhibitors to share, learn and network with their fresh produce colleagues from all corners of the globe”
View the LPS16 stage 1 seminar programme online at www.londonproduceshow.co.uk or email [email protected] The LPS stage 2 seminar programme will be announced shortly.